I know I initially posted here to ask for support of this bill but I, like many others were duped! Please read on. This involves the integrity of our elections:

Congress may soon vote on a bill that would federalize our elections.

Contact your Representatives asking them to vote "NO" on H.R. 811, the so-called Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007.
This bill is supposedly about verifying votes via a paper trail, but the 62-page bill is packed with federal controls that would make the EAC (Elections Assistance Commission) into a federal regulatory agency over US elections.

Over half of the states have already begun to require a paper trail in voting, so why should the Congress add federal controls at the same time? Congress could constitutionally pass a resolution informing the states of the dangers of not having a paper trail and that it could refuse to seat a member in case of a questioned election where such votes exceed the plurality.

Far from ensuring accurate and honest elections, H.R. 811 would put all recounts and audits under federal control with no provision for targeted audit recounts (where the selection of precincts to recount is based on candidate requests with the losing candidates' getting the lion's share) nor for mailings to the voters to ensure they really exist.

In addition to being a federal power grab over American elections, it may also be a UN power grab as well. By concentrating the power in the EAC, it would make it much easier to have UN observers become part of our electoral process by means of cooperation agreements between EAC and the UN. Many of the members of Congress who requested UN observers in the 2004 elections are co-sponsors of this bill.

Ask your Congressman not only to oppose H.R. 811, but ask him to help undo the damage done by previous Congresses by sponsoring legislation to repeal HAVA (so-called Help America Vote Act) and Motor Voter. Legislation like that would actually help America vote in accurate and honest elections.

Oppose this bill now!