By Nancy Levant
January 7, 2009

Community! Community! Community! You are either with us or you are against us. This is the consensus, the expectation, and the rule of community law. Community is the Grand Vision; the employer, the grantor, the regional council and their land use policies, their community and religious leaders, and jailers. The Vision is masterminded opinion superimposed (envisioned) upon you, and your compliancy is their Grand Vision come to economic fruition.

The Vision is unadulterated force dolled up in metaphysical coolness, newness, greenness, greater goods, and group hypnosis. It is rule-bound, soul capturing, and makes rich men of followers and outcasts of doubters. And its sacrificial lamb is the united (50) States of America. Its sacrificial lamb is freedom.

The Grand Vision is a social experiment created and funded by the world’s whitest elite men. Its goal is global economic domination though its roots, history, and pathology are far darker than even global control of all Earth’s wealth – both realized and potential wealth. It was born inside a lie called dialectical reasoning – the very bastardization of logic and thinking. It is human manipulation at its historical pinnacle. What you know is wrong. What you see, hear, think, and feel is wrong. Replace everything you know with its opposite, and you are a dialectical and Grand Vision thinker. Hence, the world now implodes with the new government and global leaders and institutions waiting – readied, prepared, and technologically able to take all human control – globally.

And so, it all falls apart – every continent, every city, every market, every household – even the weather - chaos is awarded to the world so that the new order can take hold with Grand Visions of “theirâ€