The plan is to strip America of its wealth, its resources, its freedom and its sovereignty, all disguised as Motherhood

National Suicide - Obama Style!

By Ron Ewart
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Who could have hatched such a diabolical plot? After connecting the numerous dots, out there in plain sight for everyone to see, it has now become abundantly obvious.

This was no accident, this has been in the planning stages for years. The plan is to strip America of its wealth, its resources, its freedom and its sovereignty, all disguised as Motherhood, Apple Pie, Chevrolet, environmentalism, social justice, protecting the public health and national security, under the umbrella of a government-manufactured financial crisis.

And it isn’t the first time. President Wilson, co-conspirator with the Rockefellers and the Morgans, (the Gang of 7 - Jekyll Island) brought America the un-accountable Federal Reserve, the overtly aggressive Internal Revenue Service and got the ball rolling. President Hoover, tweaked the capital markets with regulation and brought us the Great Depression. President Hoover also retained the services of Harvard and the University of Illinois, paid for by the Rockefeller foundation, to study how to manipulate large groups of people by using their subconscious minds. The results of those studies were used in actual legislation.

President Roosevelt (FDR) used the Great Depression crisis to put the head of the Camel (socialism) inside the American “tentâ€