January 6, 2011

In light of Goldman Sach’s multi-million dollar investment scheme in Facebook, a perfect opportunity to avenge Wall Street has been provided to the people of the world through the following actions:

1. Boycott Facebook, either temporarily or permanently.

2. If necessary, join or reactivate your account with MySpace. This might prevent MySpace from going under and generate enough revenue for MySpace to implement the innovative changes necessary to compete with Facebook.

Background information:

Goldman Sachs recently invested $500 million in Facebook towards a pre-public offering stock scheme specifically designed to skirt SEC financial disclosure regulations. They are offering their partners and wealthy clients such as hedge funds, private-equity firms and other institutions that make trades or do other business with Goldman an opportunity to buy a piece of Facebook. Investors must promise to invest at least $2 million and not sell shares until 2013, including on secondary markets that allow investors to buy or sell stakes held in private companies. They have been so inundated with demand that they plan to stop taking orders for shares today, which is earlier than expected.

If facebook users around the world would simply ban together, we could inflict punishment on Wall Street!!!