Who busted the bankers of HSBC?
Who busted the bankers of HSBC?

Exclusive: Joseph Farah sheds light on media blackout of WND reporter's work

Published: 2 hours ago by Joseph FarahEmail | Archive

Over the last week, the international press has awakened to a banking scandal of BCCI magnitude.
It involves a major global bank called HSBC that includes money-laundering operations for the drug cartels, terrorists and rogue nations among its services.

The international press is having a field day reporting on crooked banks and calling for nationalization of financial institutions.
But not one of these press reports bothered to mention the enormous risks taken by the news agency that actually broke the news about HSBC’s money-laundering schemes.
Beginning early in 2012, utilizing a courageous whistleblower who worked inside the institution for years, WND laid out the whole sordid mess involving these banksters without so much a mention in the rest of the press for six months.
Here’s a chronology of the WND investigative reports that brought this scandal to the attention of the public:

Yet the national and international press has not made a single mention of the groundbreaking work of investigative reporter Jerome Corsi, twice a No. 1 New York Times best-selling author, in the HSBC affair.
He was right about HSBC.
Could it be these press outlets and government officials don’t want to mention Corsi’s role in the fall of HSBC because of his long-standing association with the Barack Obama identity story?
Where was the rest of the entire press establishment when Corsi, whom many of these entities demeaned as a “conspiracy theorist,” was presenting documented evidence of widespread banking fraud?
Where were the defenders of the First Amendment when WND was under attack by Europe’s biggest bank and one of the largest financial institutions in the world?
Let’s face it: It was WND and Jerome Corsi who busted the banksters of HSBC.
Nevertheless, the state-run media’s blackout continues.