Liiberty's life and future is on the line

You Are Not a Pawn, You Are A Sovereign!

By Ron Ewart
Monday, October 26, 2009

No other can take your property, your labor, your thoughts, or your life from you without your permission, for that is theft, or murder and it is a crime on your person and on humanity as well, that is deserved of severe punishment.

For you are an individual, endowed with certain unalienable rights, a gift from your creator. Not because someone wrote it down in a book, or a Declaration, or a Constitution, or shouted it from the roof tops. It is true because it is the law of nature. It is an absolute law with no contravening or superior law to supersede it. It is the law of all laws and cannot be repealed by man or God.

Only you own your life, your property, your thoughts and your labor and all is sovereign to that which is you. You are not a pawn that can be battered about at someone else’s will, or a whim, or for entertainment, or for the pure exercise of absolute power. You are not a slave to the collective, or the elite and you owe nothing to humanity other than what you choose to give of your own volition, as a free spirit, endowed with free choice. Your only responsibility is to take care of yourself and those in your charge and to treat others with the same respect and dignity as you desire to be treated.

In contrast to an individual man or woman, a plant rises up out of the moist, rich earth from a tiny seed no bigger than a few grains of sand. Its journey through life is preordained. It cannot sway from the goal set for it by its chemistry and biology. Somewhere along the way a bud forms on the end of a stalk or tendril of the plant and in but a few days, erupts into a splendor of color and a soft, enticing shape; each plant having its own unique form. Nestled inside the flower, which it has now become, lies the makings for its offspring and with a little help from other creatures, the chemical means to allow it to reproduce. Soon it is visited by a host of flying insects and birds and from that embrace and the ultimate distribution of the contents of its interior, the seeds are sown for a new generation of the species. That is the plant’s contribution to life. But you are not a plant. You have something the plant does not have ..... free choice.

You did not create you. In the beginning you had no control over the mechanisms that formed the shape of your body, the characteristics of your personality or your mind, or the capabilities that were granted to your body and mind by virtue of genetics and life with or without your parents. But no matter what anyone tells you, you were not created to serve others, unless it is your choice to do so. In fact, you were created to express who you are. You were created to serve yourself and those you love.

You are unique, a snow flake, one of a kind and no other can be like you. It is your individual uniqueness that is your value. It is what you express or achieve as a person, that is your mark, your legacy, your reason for being here. No other person, group of persons or a government has the right to take that from you. You are not a pawn, for you are sovereign under the supreme law of nature. You are free to choose good or evil, but if you choose evil, there will be a price to pay.

A sovereign can be defined as an individual that believes in self-ownership; a strong commitment to individual rights; a distrust of political democracy; a belief in the right to financial and personal privacy; a willingness to think and act outside the square. The idea of an individual sovereign in action is what has given America its unique and exceptional character, its power, its creativity, its productivity and even its generosity. It is each individual sovereign pursuing his or her life, liberty and happiness that sets each of us a part from all other humans on earth. It is our strength ..... it is our foundation. It is the bedrock upon which we stand. It is unequivocal, sacrosanct and unassailable.

But if a bully descends upon a sovereign, it is up to that sovereign to defend against the bully, or to rally other sovereigns in his defense, as we must do today. For the bully is knocking on our door and he has evil intent on his mind. He intends to claim our property, our thoughts, our labor and our life as his own and take away our sovereignty over our own lives. He intends to control our land, our water, our food, our health and our energy. He is well on his way to achieving his goal. In the end, he intends to take away our free choice and take away our liberty ..... but only if we let him. He is the enemy of freedom.

If you believe in all your heart that your property, your thoughts, your labor and your life are only yours to give and that your life is sovereign, then you have no choice but to defend it against the bully and if necessary, defend it with your life. For if you choose not to defend it by whatever means, you will lose it and your children will lose it and your children’s children will lose it. It will then be left to another braver generation to reclaim freedom and reclaim it they will, but at a great cost. When freedom is finally reclaimed once more, the future victors will look back at our generation and label them cowards.

It is now time to decide ..... be you pawn, or be you sovereign? ..... be you coward, or be you brave? ..... be you timid, or be you fearless? Liberty awaits your answer and liberty grows anxious because liberty’s life and future is on the line.