I have emailed this message to each of the seven Republican Senators who are members of the US Senate Judiciary Subcommittee. They do have the power to stop the nomination of Sotomayor if they stick together. You can call or write Sen. Sessions, Kyl, Grassley, Hatch, Graham. Cornyn or Coburn. The capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121. The information on the Senate Judiciary Committee members is here:


Regarding Sonia Sotomayor:

I hope Republicans in the Senate Judiciary Committee can stand together to block the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor. Does this woman really seem competent to judge the broad and far reaching concerns brought before the US Supreme Court---or is she narrowly focused in on her perspective on civil rights issues? If she has given a similar, repetitive speech over eighty times defending her perspectives stemming from her particular racial background--this is not even near the level of competence needed. It sounds more like a personal hobby horse, a vendetta, or a hidden agenda. Even if I agreed which what she said it would be evident that her focus is far too narrow.

No, Ms. Sonia Sotomayor is nowhere hear the level of competence required by the highest court in our nation. She is, rather, a cynical ploy by the Administration to placate the demands of the Hispanic community and attempt to secure more votes to assist their liberal, Democratic party agenda in the future. That agenda as evidenced by bills introduced into your Judiciary Committee is very far reaching. To me it does not matter what their "experts" may say I would rather listen to the ancient wisdom of Aesop: "Look before you leap." Unless the more radical programs of Pres. Obama are halted---and done so in the Senate Judiciary Committee--our nation will experience irremediable and drastic changes.

Please, Senator, I am not a Republican Party member, But I know from decades of experience that these liberal politicians care very little about the rights of the typical mature and responsible American. They care far more about whom they hope will vote for them. Please stand with your Republican colleagues and stop this disastrous course. Your colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee are truly our best hope.

Very sincerely,