Association of Mature American Citizens

ObamaCare is NOT What We-the-People Want: Interview with President of AMAC

By Sher Zieve
Monday, December 7, 2009

I recently interviewed Dan Weber, President of AMAC—the Association of Mature American Citizens—the major competitor of AARP. Since AARP’s decision to go against its Senior base and support the anti-seniors (and everyone else) ObamaCare, Mr. Weber tells us of some significant membership increases at AMAC and his take on AARP’s decision to support the Obama Administration and Marxist-run Congress’ $500+ Billions gutting of Medicare.

Interview with President of AMAC Dan Weber:

Sher: First of all, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to chat with me. Dan, you founded the Association of Mature American Citizens or AMAC in 2007. As an alternative to the American Association of Retired Persons—AARP. As AARP contributes heavily to the Democrat Party and supports most if not all of its agenda I think many of us can accurately guess as to why you did it. But, would you give us a synopsis of your thinking at the time and what you now hope to accomplish with the organization?

Dan: As a member of AARP I had noticed a change in the direction of their focus and efforts. It appeared to me they changed from being an advocate for seniors to being an advocate for a left leaning liberal political agenda. For example, in 2003 when President Bush signed the bill providing prescription Drugs under Medicare (which they supported), instead of explaining that over 3 million low income seniors now could get their medicine for free, they sponsored public meetings with Democratic congressman blasting Bush because some people would be required to make co-payments. Their publications began to look like much of the media – an attempt to brainwash the people.

What we hope to accomplish with AMAC (A-Mack), is to present a more balanced view of the issues, including conservative ideas on how to help older Americans. We feel our traditional values have stood the test of time and should not be abandoned.

Sher: With AARP’s apparent current abandonment of senior citizens in favor of accepting bestowed gifts from Obama and his administration, have you seen increased enrollment in AMAC? And how has your overall percentage of growth increased since the ObamaCare looming debacle that is planned for the American people?

Dan: We have increased our membership dramatically. Enrollments have increased by 1,000 percent! As more people become aware how harmful ObamaCare will be, we expect even more new members.

Sher: The Democrat leadership in both the House and Senate have vowed to pass ObamaCare despite the strong and vocal objections of the still-growing majority of the American people. The House has vowed to gut Medicare by $500 Billions and the Senate recently announced plans to begin their Medicare razing by cutting out a minimum of $46 Billions now used for Home Health Care for the elderly. AARP continues to support this draconian “death careâ€