South Side raid fails to find fugitive ... a3cdaf0d1/

COLUMBUS, OH - U.S. marshals raided a South Side home yesterday on a tip that the top-ranking criminal on America’s Most Wanted was hiding there.

Manuel Penaloza, 21, was thought to be inside the house at 788 Stambaugh Ave., Marshal Tom Genz said. Penaloza wasn’t there, but five people thought to be in the country illegally were detained by immigration officials.

Penaloza is wanted in a double homicide and carjacking in Pasadena, Calif. In December, America’s Most Wanted television program named Penaloza its most-wanted fugitive for 2007.

Marshals will continue to work tips that Penaloza still could be in central Ohio, Genz said. Anyone with information on Penaloza’s whereabouts is asked to call 1-800-CRIME-TV or the U.S. marshals at 614-469-5540. ... igator.asp<q>BP=OK<a>GZ=T<a>AW=1199806072102