Housing Market News

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Patrick.net News Thu 27 Oct 2011
US New House Price Has Biggest 3 Month Drop Ever (zerohedge.com)
Keeping housing bubble inflated in pocket markets (doctorhousingbubble.com)
Income for top 1 percent skyrocketed over last 30 years (yahoo.com)
Why the SEC Won’t Hunt Big Dogs (propublica.org)
Vet Survives Iraq, But Seriously Wounded Protesting Banker Corruption (nbcbayarea.com)
The bar exist simply to protect lawyers from competition (nytimes.com)
Similarities between the health care and education bubbles (schoolshmool.com)
Obamas Student-Loan Order Saves Average Grad Less Than $10 a Month (theatlantic.com)
Obama's Re-Fi Plan: The Perfection of Debt-Serfdom (oftwominds.com)
Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, and the Usual D vs. R debate (patrick.net)
Social Security And the Misinformation Campaign Trying to Kill It (einnews.com)
Rick Perry: The Best Little Whore In Texas (rollingstone.com)
Difficulties In Recognizing One's Own Incompetence (psyfitec.com)

Patrick.net News Wed 26 Oct 2011
House Prices Fall More-Than-Forecast 3.8%, Case-Shiller Says (bloomberg.com)
Refi plan: If homedebtors win, someone else loses (sfgate.com)
Vulture Investors Buy Discounted FHA Loans (bloomberg.com)
Morgage insurer bankrupted. Good. They f'd up big time. (contracostatimes.com)
The guys in Wall Street aren't winning, they're cheating (rollingstone.com)
Income inequality is hobbling the middle class (thefiscaltimes.com)
We are the 1 percent: We stand with the 99 percent (tumblr.com)
World's Richest Man Attacks Wall Street Bailouts (businessweek.com)
Why We Shouldn't be Selling the Right to Live in America (nationofchange.org)
Life is good in the capital of crony capitalism (washingtonexaminer.com)
AT&T Lobbyist Becomes Senior Obama Advisor (opensecrets.org)
Taken From Savers, Given To Deadbeats (patrick.net)
An Uncompromised View of Contemporary American Politics and Economics (capitalismwithoutfailure.com)
Banks borrow from Fed at 0%, banks lend to Treasury at 2%. (nytimes.com)
Penny stock promoter gets court to shut down website that accused him... (stockwatch.com)

Patrick.net News Tue 25 Oct 2011
Prop 13: Insidious Budget Cancer or Fiscal Terrorist Threat? (burbed.com)
Tales of Real Estate (patrick.net)
US to give debtors refinancing, no matter how risky to taxpayers (bloomberg.com)
House mortgage interest deduction may be curtailed or eliminated (irvinehousingblog.com)
Why Politicians Dont Want to Touch the Housing Crisis (theatlantic.com)
Occupy DC Emphasizes Corporate Money in Politics (opensecrets.org)
One Tampa address handles millions in campaign cash, influences elections (floridaindependent.com)
Living 'La Vita Bella': Italians Leave Fears of Debt Crisis to Others (spiegel.de)
European Financial Crisis in One Graphic: Dominoes of Debt (oftwominds.com)
An Overview of the Euro Crisis - Interactive Graphic (nytimes.com)
Problem is not lack of consumer spending. It's capital wasted on housing. (dailycapitalist.com)
The Class War Has Begun (nymag.com)
The government should have brought in Bill Black (capitalismwithoutfailure.com)
How to Contact Bank of America CEO Executive Brian Moynihan (ceo.com)
US Manufacturing Jobs Coming Back? (co.uk)

Essential reading
Why It's A Terrible Time To Buy An Expensive House
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NY Times housing calculator
Sell or hold calculator from landlord's point of view
Subprime Primer
The mortgage debt trap is official US policy
Patrick on Financial Survival Radio
Georgism - the Single Tax on Land Values
Winston Churchill on the Land Value Tax
Who Rules America?
End Corporate Rule, Legalize Democracy
George Carlin on Obedient Workers
The Crash Course - Chris Martenson
Tenants and Foreclosure
Patrick speaking at Google about the housing crash