We're Stuck With Two Kinds of Democracies
By James T. Moore on Jan 09, 07

Nobody, especially this writer, should have to tell you that we’re sitting ducks with our “traditional” kind of democracy. Traditional, because that’s how most Americans (including most politicians) think of democracy. You know, the kind of democracy that’s supposed to keep America free; the kind that Bush & Co, are desperately trying to impose on the rest of the world, whether they like it or not.

I’ve written about “traditional” democracy many times in many media. I’ve tried to explain how our Founding Fathers abhorred the concept of democratic rule, and after much study and investigation, were determined to make this new nation a Republic. Then I described how a Republic gradually becomes a Democracy, and from there sinks into chaos and tyranny

What our founders learned from ancient history was that a Republic is a government ruled by Law, whereas a Democracy is a government ruled by Man. And that sounds so good that America was sucked into it. We gradually dumped the Republic our founders gave us and took on the more “equitable” mantle of a Democracy, or majority rule. Which literally means that if enough people vote to share in your wealth, or take from you what you own, or desecrate the flag, or dumb down a school’s curriculum, or give up our freedom for “security” you have to go along because that’s what the “majority” wants.

Which now makes you the minority!

In a Republic, however, the rule of Law prevents this kind of plunder by legislation, and enforces the concept of REAL freedom: giving you and me an opportunity to keep what we have, and prevent other citizens from taking what they want.

But today we are literally stuck in two kinds of democracy. I call the second one a Blowaway Democracy because it allows politicians, on one hand, to extol the so-called virtues of majority rule, but “blows it away” (ignores the majority) when it opposes any of the administration’s decisions or actions.

The Blowaway Democracy was never more evident than in what this administration is doing (or isn’t doing) about illegal aliens, and the war in Iraq. As of this date, the vast majority of Americans are insisting that something be done about stopping the rushing tide of Mexicans illegally sneaking into this country. President Bush has ignored the majority of American people by doing nothing about securing any of our borders. The fact is, he has encouraged the rape of this nation by enabling illegal families to get social security and other entitlements; and to become American citizens after a few weeks, whereas it takes legal immigrants several years to gain citizenship.

A large majority of Americans are opposed to the sovereign-killing North American Union: three countries tied together by a multi-lane superhighway running through America’s midsection and joining us up with Mexico and Canada to make ONE nation with ONE currency. This non-stop roadway system will be a boon for every foreigner, drug dealer, “wanted” character and indigent between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Bush has already signed off on the North American Union. By snubbing the wishes of the majority of Americans, he has secretly executed a near perfect, hypocritical example of Blowaway Democracy.

But the quintessential example of this faux democracy concerns Iraq, and is taking place even as we speak. In the face of a huge majority of Americans (70% to be exact) who want no more troops sent to Iraq, Bush will shortly unveil his new war plan for this beleaguered country, which is said to include up to 20,000 more troops--- in spite of the fact that some top military leaders claim there is no military solution to the problems in Iraq.

As wrong as it is, in a democracy, which Bush keeps pushing down peoples’ throats, the majority rules, yet here is our ego-driving, soft-headed commander-in-chief reneging on the concept of democracy to further his own warped agenda, and giving the majority of American people everything they DON’T want.

Giving up our Republic for a Democracy was bad enough. But it is painfully apparent that when this President promotes democracy throughout the world, then “blows it away” when it gets in the way of his dictatorial agenda, one has to wonder how this guy manages to look at himself in the mirror every morning.

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By James T. Moore on Jan 09, 07 | Email | Profile Permalink
