Today I thought of something while watching every cable station talking about should he go, should he stay?
I started thinking, I wonder what the REAL reason is that Barry wants him?

Then this scenerio came to mind.

Could it be they are not hiring more people so there is not many witness's to what's going on?
Timmy needs to cover The Adnimistrations tracks. Plus Obama has a hold on him. (Kool-aid???)

I heard that he worked on the first too Pork Packages within the Fed.
I can't keep the names straight. TARP 1+2, OMNIBUS, STIMULUS 1+2 with 3 coming???

Do you think he's trying to rewrite HIS history and Obama's?

A new person would come in and discover all the crap that him and Paulson have done WITH the helping hand of Obama and his goons.

As Glenn says, "I'm just saying."