So now what deal are they making behind closed doors???????

White House and Hill Republicans have outlines of tax deal
By Alexander Bolton - 12/02/10 06:02 PM ET

White House negotiators and congressional Republicans have the outlines of a deal to extend the Bush-era tax cuts and federal unemployment benefits, which would end a partisan stalemate on Capitol Hill.

Under the prospective deal, all the Bush tax cuts would be extended for two years and unemployment benefits would be extended for one, according to congressional sources. Also under consideration is an extension of the Make Work Pay and college-tuition tax credits that were part of the 2009 economic stimulus package.

But nothing is final yet.

Sen. Jon Kyl (Ari.), who is representing Senate Republicans in talks with the administration, downplayed talk of a deal — as did the White House.

“If there is [a deal], I’m not aware of it,â€