President Obama and Professor Gates owes Officer James Crowley a HUGE apology and retraction!

Who is the real racist in the Professor Gates story?

By Dr. Laurie Roth
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We’ve all heard the endless drum rolls about how horrid the Cambridge Cop James Crowley was to black, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates. According to Gates, Crowley was a typical white guy with a power complex exercising racial profiling when he came to his home in response to a 9/11 call from a concerned neighbor.

According to witnesses who heard it all, 9/11 records and the report of Officer Crowley, Professor Gates started verbally attacking Crowley, saying he was racially profiling and daring him to arrest him, when Crowley had simply asked him to come outside and talk. According to the factual record of the event and witnesses, the only verbal abuse came from Gates to officer Crowley not the other way around. This whole event happened when a concerned neighbor called 9/11 when she saw two men enter the house she didn’t recognize with luggage. She wasn’t sure if it was the owner so she wanted to report it in case there was trouble.

Trying to determine just what was going on and if the home was safe, it was entirely appropriate for Crowley to ask Gates to walk outside and ask him a few questions no matter what he said about living in the home. Most morons with an IQ below plant life understand when a Cop is investigating something or stops you, you don’t start talking back and ignoring an order.

To ad drama to this already distorted event in the media, Crowley wasn’t just another fine Cop. He was the Cop who trains other police in racial sensitivity. He was known and honored for his racial teaching and insight. According to his record there has never been any sign of racism with this Cop, quite the opposite.

Never mind the vivid and documented facts on the case. Why be confused with any facts? Obama immediately said that Officer Crowley acted “stupidlyâ€