Thought this was entertaining.

Why Would Our Mayor Do This?

Mar 26, 2007 7:28 am

You want to have real power? Look at L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. He's going to Washington this week to ask for stuff. And he must be expecting to get it, because he's taking seven other city workers to help carry it back. Seven!

It's a lobbying trip for the Mayor. And a Deputy Mayor.... and, oh, another Deputy Mayor, and *that Deputy Mayor's deputy.

There'll be a director of special projects, an executive director of something (ooh, an 'executive!:' he'll probably wear the best clothes) ... a protocol director -- she's the gal who tells the mayor which fork to use -- and the Mayor's press secretary to write it all down.

Sounds like a real hootenanny. the Mayor's office couldn't say how much all those plane tickets and hotel rooms will cost. I bet.

So, you wanna have real power? Look at Mayor Villaraigosa... in fact, watch to make sure he's on the plane... then run down to City Hall, and put your feet up on his desk. Hey, there's not gonna be anybody left, to tell you no... and if that's not real power, I dunno what is. ... 03241.html