Gutting 1 Trillion from the Defense Budget

Obama & Co steps up USA Destruction before November Elections

By Sher Zieve
Saturday, June 12, 2010

The BP oil disaster was custom-made for The Obama. It’s a disaster that not only destroys jobs and the lives of the affected humans but, is killing off all wildlife it touches. The effective oil-skimmer systems utilized by the Saudis and others would work to greatly minimize the damage being caused to the US Gulf Coast. But, The Obama continues to drag his heels as States and lives are destroyed.

Note: Obama, of course, remains aloof and untouched and continues to refuse all offers of help—only those that truly WILL help—as he smilingly watches and fiddles like Nero while the destruction and death continue. In fact, it is now apparent that destruction and death follow virtually all of Obama’s actions. Interesting, isn’t it?

Obama is doing the bare minimum so that destruction will be at an all-time maximum—in order to shove his Cap & Trade bill

Pretending that he is constrained by the “Jones Act,â€