Feds move to seize 4 mosques, NYC skyscraper

Updated 1m ago

NEW YORK (AP) — Federal prosecutors are taking steps to seize four U.S. mosques and a New York City skyscraper owned by a nonprofit Muslim organization.

The organization — called the Alavi Foundation — has long been suspected of being under Iranian government control. Prosecutors say the foundation has been helping to illegally funnel money back to the Iranian government.

The government filed a forfeiture action in federal court in New York to seize four mosques in the city and in Maryland, California and Houston. The government also wants to take control of a 36-story office tower on New York's Fifth Avenue.

The filing starts what could be a drawn-out legal process.

The action against the Shiite Muslim mosques is sure to inflame relations between the U.S. government and American Muslims. Many of them are fearful of a backlash after last week's Fort Hood shooting rampage, blamed on a Muslim American soldier.

The mosques and the office tower will remain open while the forfeiture case works its way through court.

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