Your Last Chance - Bring Down The House
By Lorie Kramer

(This monster has ballooned from 3 pages to over 420 pages for the Bill)

So there it is, the Senate voted for the money changers over We the People.

It didn't matter that our concerns were flooding switchboards and fax machines and telephone systems. It didn't matter than even the MSM seemed to notice our displeasure. It didn't matter that there were spontaneous protests at Federal buildings around the country. The status quo remains and the game continues; greed wins, you lose.

So, what will happen next? Is it ever going to matter? Is it worth the effort to hope that there are enough aware Americans out there that have seen this vote and have not given up? Are there enough out there to bother to tell the House that "NO! That's not what We the People told the Senate to do! You work for US! Vote NO or you will be voted OUT."

Did each person reading this call, fax or even email any of their Senators? If not then, will they even think about contacting their Representative in the House now? Has this vote worked to also cause We the People to step back into silence? Will each person reading this realize that silence is consent? Do we know that if we do NOT consent, then all citizens of conscience must immediately take some kind of step to tell the House this has to stop or it won't. And we all will pay for it, more than big time.

There's still time to speak truth to power. Do it, while you still can. Tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on. It's up to us to bring down the House.

Write Your Representative

Lorie Kramer