A list of coincidental events point to secret war by military to rescue trafficked children

A list of coincidental events point to secret war by military to rescue trafficked children

Monday, May 8, 2023 22:01

A list of coincidental events that may point to the fact that there is a secret war between a faction of the military and the deep state; to rescue children being trafficked by the deep state
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Conspiracy Theory:

A list of coincidental events that may point to the fact that there is a secret war between a faction of the military and the deep state; to rescue children being trafficked by the deep state

1. The earthquake near China Lake military base documented by Fritz Springmeier to be a child mind control center – flying in thousands per day in California on July 4 2019
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Ridgecrest_earthquakes#:~:text=At%252010%253A 02%2520a.m.%2520PDT,km

2. Disneyland shuts down due to “pipe”break 2022

3. Disney World closes area in May Epcot 2023

4. Atlanta Airport closes due to “burst pipe”

5. Russia Finally Admits to Destroying NATOs Deep Underground Command Bunker in Kiev

6. Trump EO take away assets of human traffickers

7. CEOs quitting en masse ever since Trump’s EO (earlier records scrubbed from net)

8. Obama scales back 60th birthday party – fear in the wind that attendees may be arrested?

9. This video was reported by Judy Byington as being the rescuing of children
https://ugetube.com/watch/breaking-news-buses-coming-out-of-the-capital-building-january-29-2021-mustang-medic-reporting_yfYCjKznJYBsZlu.html buses coming out of capitol

10. Trump Reference Ship Comfort and the Navy with emotion and sends them off “with a kiss” and – en route from Virginia to New York

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A list of coincidental events point to secret war by military to rescue trafficked children | Conspiracy Theories | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)