ALIPAC's 2010 Candidate Survey

Name of Candidate: Ruth McClung

Name of Campaign Committee: Ruth McClung for Congress

Mailing Address: PO BOX 40544, Tucson, AZ 85717

Phone Contact Information: 520-907-3538 campaign manager cell

Campaign E-mail and website:;

State and District: Arizona, CD 7

Political Party: Republican

Is the candidate (Incumbent, Challenger, Open Seat): Challenger

Incumbents only: What is your career grade at ?

Campaign Funds Raised as of most recent reporting cycle: About $60,000.00

This form completed by (Candidate and Campaign Managers Only):

Candidate Background Information

Ruth McClung, a physicist who is currently working as a rocket scientist at a local engineering company, wants to use her knowledge to help the people of Southern Arizona, and the United States by serving in the U.S. Congress. Ruth’s educational and work background give her an advantage over most candidates. She understands the science behind some very important issues such as energy, the environment, technology, defense, and national security. With her scientific background, politicians using pseudo-science to push an agenda will not fool her. And since she has worked in the defense industry, she understands the need for defense and the types of technologies which are needed to make us safer. She also understands where potential waste in the defense industry might be.

Ruth has been interested in politics since she was teenager, when in Idaho her father served as a Republican County Chairman. She helped out in campaigns, volunteered in the Republican headquarters, helped in special county events, and was acquainted with many of the politicians. Her interest in serving her community through politics has grown through the years, and has led her to run for office.

Ruth has lived in the west her whole life. Besides living in Arizona, she has lived in California, New Mexico, and Idaho. She moved to Tucson, Arizona in 2000 to go to college. “I love living in the West.â€