If we could turn back time, say to 1900 before The United States entered WORLD War One. I capitalized World because it was the true End of America. You need to understand why would we (America) send so many of our own to Die for something that really was NOT a direct threat to us.
I have been a member here at ALIPAC for some time, and this theory I plan on talking about has a direct correlation to the Mexican Invasion we are currently seeing. So, please have an Open mind, try to envision what I have read over the years and attempting to put down in print.

To help fight in WWI the United States, we had to take out a Loan. And I honestly believe that those Individuals who supplied that money are to THIS DAY... Responsible for our demise.
Even back then the filthy rich got bored, and to be perfectly straight I'm talking about a game, Gambling.
As in World War Two, it was the Rothchilds of the World who gave Adolph Hitler the Financial backing he needed to ruin the Lives of Millions of People... Innocent People. In so many same ways things are the same Today (if you care to believe it or not). The Rothchilds are STILL out there, and thier monkeys (puppets) are still bringing America DOWN!
And when I say monkeys, I am talking about George Soros as one of them, a wealthy man in his own BUT not a big time PLAYER.
Maybe I am being to harsh towards the Filthy Rich, but I do not think so in my opinion. Most recently may I point to South Africa, Uganda I believe, the President sent One Hundred soldiers to "Advise"... I think he did it because one of HIS Handlers has alot of money Invested in that Country, and its always watch the other Hand, not whats actually taking place.
Until the Filthy Rich stop with thier Twisted Game of Monopoly, America will continue to Decompose. Because as a ONE Nation Under God, we are Dead, and no amount of CPR will revive us.