Friends of ALIPAC,

Those of you who have been with us for many years will remember the role we played in the original Minuteman Project and our past support for Jim Gilchrist, which we ended about a year ago.

Tonight, it is necessary to respond to Mr. Gilchrist's attacks on our organization.

Many of you are on Jim Gilchrist's e-mail list. If you are, then you are aware that 90% of the e-mails you have received over the last year have not been about the fight against illegal immigration. The e-mails sent have been attacks on other leaders, groups in the movement and against people inside of his organization, Minuteman Project.

Now, we are the target of Mr. Gilchrist's ire because we have denounced his lone and unfortunate endorsement of pro-amnesty candidate Mike Huckabee.

Jim Gilchrist has responded by launching a mass e-mail attack that contains 5 lies about ALIPAC that are easily disproven by anyone taking the time to look at the public records.

You can read his attack on ALIPAC, my response to him, and comments by some of our supporters at this link.

Gilchrist Attack on ALIPAC. My response is beneath his message...

Feel free to leave your own comments on that thread.

We now have 72 organization leaders who have signed the letter rebuking Gilchrist's endorsement of Huckabee. The letter will be released to the nation on Monday.

Many of the leaders who have signed believe Gilchrist's endorsement of Huckabee is ego driven, as this video from MSNBC shows. Gilchrist says he endorsed Huckabee because Huckabee was the only candidate who would communicate with him.

Video Link

So far, our ALIPAC Survey tells us that 96% of you do NOT support Huckabee's touchback amnesty plans.

Survey Results

Your support during this difficult time is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to contact me, if you have any questions or would like more information.

Kind Regards,

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)