Brown Wins: Victory May Stop Comprehensive Amnesty Legislation

January 19, 2009

CONTACT: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
(866) 703-0864

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is thanking their national supporters for their donations of time and funds to the Scott Brown for U.S. Senate campaign and pointing out that this historic win may destroy the chances of amnesty for illegal aliens passing in 2010.

"The Brown victory not only breaks the Democratic 60 vote hold on the U.S. Senate needed for cloture votes, but it sends a clear message that voters prefer pro-enforcement candidates instead of pro-amnesty candidates." said William Gheen, president of ALIPAC. "We will be working hard to defeat the Amnesty legislation filed in Congress and to repeat the Brown-Coakley scenario in hundreds of races this November."

Illegal immigration became a top issue in the Massachusetts Senate campaign, with Scott Brown issuing a statement that he opposed amnesty and taxpayer benefits for illegal immigrants and favored tougher enforcement measures. Brown had a background opposing illegal alien amnesty measures as a state Senator.

Martha Coakley gave voters a clear contrast on the issue as she indicated her support for Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty, which most people in the nation consider a sneaky form of Amnesty dubbed Shamnesty. Coakley also admitted that she created a sanctuary state in Massachusetts by turning a blind eye to the immigration status of those charged with crimes in her state, while she served as attorney general.

"The national and local polls are clear." said Gheen. "Illegal immigration is not the lone issue that decides races, but it remains a top priority among voters and the voters overwhelmingly demand that our borders be secured, our existing immigration laws be enforced and the Obama, Gutierrez, Schumer, McCain and Graham Amnesty legislation be abandoned or defeated."

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is one of America's top grassroots organizations fighting against illegal immigration since 2004. Each election cycle ALIPAC endorses candidates, makes some donations, issues a national voter guide, and sends in volunteers to campaigns. In 2008, the organization endorsed and supported over 170 federal campaigns.

"Americans are sick and tired of politicians who are servants of powerful special interests, instead of the American public." said Gheen. "A political revolution has begun in America, illegal immigration is a core issue fueling that revolt, and a lot of politicians are about to join the unemployment lines."

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