Friends of ALIPAC,

Our visit to California was a truly great experience. In Garden Grove, CA on Saturday February 21 we had over 115 people gather to discuss "Unify Against Amnesty 2009".

In a display of solidarity, the Garden Grove event was directed by Barbara Coe of California Coalition for Immigration Reform (CCIR), and guest speakers included Chelene Nightingale of Save Our State (SOS), Los Angeles activist Ted Hayes, legal immigrant Tony Dolz, Lupe Moreno of Latino Americans for Immigration Reform (LAIR), Ted Hilton, and Jeff Schwilk of San Diego Minutemen (SDMM).

Together, this event was one of the largest recent gatherings of unified pro immigration enforcement groups and on the topic of unity, we are just getting started!

We need to know how you feel and if you agree with these messages about Illegal Immigration.

Please review these videos and let us know if you support the messages.

If you support these messages, please share these videos with others, vote them five stars, add them to your favorites, post them on websites, and make a comment. Private feedback can be sent to

Please take 15 minutes to review and respond.


Fight Back Against Illegal Immigration & Amnesty w/ ALIPAC

Illegal Immigration and Genocide Against Blacks in Los Angeles by Ted Hayes

Tony Dolz Legal Immigrant Speaks out against Illegal Immigration at ALIPAC Event