Friends of ALIPAC!

This is an EMERGENCY broadcast from our primary e-mail system. You should receive a second e-mail from our backup systems later today (Friday).

Due to a slow response on our funds drive and an unexpected major website repair issue, ALIPAC is six days away from having to shut down permanently.

We have done all we can to limit costs, but the bad economy and shifting interests combined with some low morale involving Obama is about to take us under.

We can stop Amnesty and continue the reversal of illegal immigration in America, if we can address these funding deficits immediately.

We hope each of you will make an immediate emergency donation of at least $25, $50, or $100. Please put your check in the mail to us today or use our secure online donations page at ...

There are so many thousands of you reading these e-mails each week. We have worked so hard for almost five years to gather up some of the best Americans across the land to our organization and cause. It will be a real shame, if we have to shut our doors at ALIPAC. We can avoid the shutdown, if more of you will realize that we cannot depend on others to pay and pave the way. If we all pull together now we can save ALIPAC.

All of ALIPAC's political operations are being suspended, until we raise the nose on our plane financially. We hope your fervent response will put us back in operation by next Tuesday, as we stand poised to launch our new initiatives to stop Amnesty in 2009.

Our mailing address for checks is

PO Box 30966
Raleigh, NC 27622

Our secure online donations page is

For those of you who value ALIPAC and can afford to donate larger amounts, please do.

We will make a decision Tuesday morning, based on your response levels to either resume political operations, continue our emergency status, or to announce a scheduled shutdown of ALIPAC forever.

Should we fail to raise enough funds to survive, your donations will be used to keep our operations running as long as possible before we close shop. We pray that can be averted.

Right now our funds are so low that we would have to cease all operations next week and turn off all websites, including in 30 days.

The sellout Senators in Washington have announced they plan to have a new AMNESTY bill on the table by Labor Day.

An ALIPAC shutdown would take America's third largest national illegal immigration fighting organization off of the political battle map during the amnesty fight.

We were instrumental in stopping Amnesty and the Dream Act several times before. Our strategies have proved successful in Washington and in many states.

Our future is in your hands and we are sorry that we have to put everything on the line like this. We had hoped more of you would step forward to donate as you have year after year.

We hope and pray you will respond quickly and generously. If anyone has any questions or feedback to share, please write me at or call me toll free at (866) 703-0864

William Gheen and the ALIPAC Team

PS: This e-mail is being sent by ALIPAC's Primary e-mail systems. If you do not receive a second copy by 5pm today, please contact right away so we can make sure we are reaching you on a regular basis.

ALIPAC has prevailed against multi million dollar pro illegal immigration groups many times but we are completely funded by your support. To help ALIPAC continue the fight on your behalf, we need you to use this link to donate online or by mail as soon as possible....