Friends of ALIPAC,

One of the biggest stories in America this week is the new polling data showing that approval levels for Congress has fallen to historic lows of 9-12%. The pollsters agree that these numbers reflect a general dissatisfaction with our current government.

The main driving force behind these numbers is the fact that Congress and the Executive Branch are not adequately representing the American public. We The People are no longer controlling the laws and actual policies of our government. If we were, 81% of Americans would not feel that the nation is on the wrong path!

The three main issues driving these historic low numbers are the war, the economy, and illegal immigration.

Biased news sources will try to exclude our issue of illegal immigration, even though it ranks in the top four issues of national concern.

It is up to you this week!

You must be the voice that is expressed by phone and e-mails to all lawmakers and candidates for public office.

We need you to circulate these polls and explain to lawmakers that you know that the lack of adequate border security and immigration law enforcement is one of the top reasons people are upset with Congress and the Executive Branch.

We need you to write letters to the editor explaining this, make posts online, and call in to talk radio shows to express this view!

Please review the poll results and take a few minutes each day this week to carry the message!

Tell the politicians it's time to throw a bunch of bums out of office and "It's illegal immigration stupid!"

We have not seen numbers for politicians drop this low since they tried to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform AMNESTY in 2007, when we saw the numbers plummet for Senators Reid, McCain, and Graham.

American Approval Levels of Government Fall To Historic Lows of 9-12 Percent!

It's up to us to represent and speak out for Americans, since Congress is failing at the job.


PS: Please post and distribute today's press release from ALIPAC to all of your favorite websites and news sources.

ALIPAC Release: Americans Lose Self Governance