Supporters of ALIPAC:

Many of you have been calling, faxing, and e-mailing Congress fervently for four days now. Your work has paid off! The Guest Worker language that Jeff Flake inserted into the Sensenbrenner has been removed for the time being! Keep those calls going! Keep pushing ahead with your activism!

This is only a small victory. We must do all we can to strengthen this bill and assure that either this bill fails all together or it passes without any Guest Worker Amnesty added.


The House will reconvene at 9am EST / 6am PST Friday morning.

They will resume discussion of HR 4437 "Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005"

For those of you that have the time or can call in sick to work or class, here is what we will do.

We will turn our TV's to C-SPAN or use the C-SPAN Online Link here to watch the debate via the Internet. We will use the link here to track the votes and amendments as well.


We will also monitor amendments and details on the bill through at this link. They are updating us every 15 minutes.

When a member of Congress begins speaking on the floor and we like what he / she has to say because they are standing up for America and immigration enforcement WITHOUT GUEST WORKER AMNESTY then we all begin calling their DC offices using the toll free number 1-877-762-8762

If the toll free number is busy, their numbers can be retreived here at this link.

Our general message will be "I just heard what Congressman ______ said about enforcing our immigration laws and I want to say thank you. Please tell him I called to thank him for his tough stance on immigration enforcement and tell him I said "No Guest Worker Program""

When someone debates a bill or amendment and is saying things that we do not like then we all call their offices and politely but firmly say something like "Tell Congressman ______ that I heard what he said on the floor about _________ and I strongly disagree. Doesn't he know that over 70% of Americans disagree with that? We don't need law makers supporting law breakers... etc I want our immigration laws enforced and a majority of Americans oppose Guest Worker"

You get the point I'm sure. We pile on the offices of the speakers as a team with positive or negative reinforcement messages.

What this will allow us to do is to focus our efforts and make an impact. If the phones of members of Congress start ringing and ringing as soon as the Congressman takes a position that is with us or against us on the floor then the message will certainly make it to the top!

Just imagine what the conversation between the Chief of Staff and the member of Congress will be like when he returns to his office. In some cases, the staff may send him a note that says.


When you spoke in favor of immigration enforcement the phones started ringing off the hook with people from all over America thanking you for your stance.



When you spoke in favor of Open Borders, Guest Worker, and immigration non-enforcement our phones started ringing off the hook with Americans that disagreed with your stance.

If a good group of us will engage in this surprise tactic it can have a strong impact on our goals.

Our immediate goal is for Congress to adjourn for Christmas either without an immigration bill or with a bill passed that contains No Guest Worker Amnesty.

If you would like to participate on your own or with our online citizen activists, please begin Friday Morning.

Our online activists will be exchanging ideas, sharing information, and increasing their coordination with each other during this operation beneath this announcement in our Discussion Groups.

at this link....

Let's all pull together and work as a strong national team in these final hours!

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC