Friends of ALIPAC,

We know that many of you are frustrated about the Presidential campaigns, but we have some good news to share.

While all of us would prefer that a clear choice for immigration enforcement would emerge, let's look at the facts.

Our movement fighting on the Presidential level is the equivalent of an assault on the command headquarters of our opposition and deep behind the battle front. The office of President of the United States is the most expensive campaign on the planet. Estimates indicate it will cost almost 400 million for a successful bid.

We have done a good job at getting our issue into the top ranks of concerns among the American public and most of the candidates are discussing it this year. Many of you will remember that in 2004, the illegal immigration issue was almost completely suppressed! We have come a long way and we have been fighting our elite corporate opposition where they are strongest.

While engaging our opposition on this level, we have been working on plans behind the scenes which should bring some smiles to your faces.

The good news is that 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform' aka AMNESTY has no chance of implementation, until January of 2009.

Strong state laws passed in Georgia, Arizona, and Oklahoma have the illegal aliens leaving in droves. The situation in those state equates to a mass exodus of illegals.

While many of the illegal aliens are heading for other US States and Canada, many are choosing to leave the country. The combined pressures of these states, along with other less dramatic state laws is sending illegal aliens home in larger numbers, while slowing the rate of entry.



We are pleased to report that you are about to see a new surge in strong enforcement legislation on the state level. Our activists will need to be ready to focus our energy where needed, to help the passage of these bills.

Another great thing about the state laws is that the states have the constitutional power to withstand court challenges by the Open Borders Lobby. Lawsuits by the ACLU and other pro-amnesty groups are failing to gain traction against the state laws. The states also have the financial resources to defend enforcement legislation and Open Borders groups that want to threaten to tax city budgets cannot succeed with the states.

If we unfortunately end up with a pro-amnesty President, like McCain or Hillary, those Amnesty plans will be harder for them to pass out of DC because of more states already pursuing enforcement only action plans.

Each state that we get the illegals on the run out of, will increase political pressures in adjacent states to follow suit!

The Congressional delegations in states that heed our call to crack down will be under enormous political pressure NOT TO OVERRIDE the legislation passed in their states.

We plan to continue our candidate efforts and focus more on the races for Congress and US Senate, while launching a full out effort on state legislation.

ALIPAC will be renaming the activist section on our website dealing with cities and towns to "Battle of the States".

This strategy has been under development for several months and the timing of this push has been calculated for maximum impact.

While our elite opposition circles their wagons around the hijacked Executive Branch and Presidential campaigns, we are going to strike in the states where we can move the battle lines forward nationwide.

We will need your full support.

Mexico has announced a full fledged PR campaign in the US. President Calderon is coming to America in February to rally his citizens. Sellout business interest in the US have announced a 25 million TV ad campaign to try and persuade Americans to accept illegal aliens. Mexico is also creating a "Mexican Anti-Defamation League" that will soon be operational and labeling every American and organization opposed to Amnesty a hate group.

In consultation with some of the brightest minds in our movement, we have been fighting our opponents where they are strong and we are weak as a diversion.

Now, we are launching our well laid plans in the states, to make them fight us, where we are strong and they are weak.

More good things to come.