Mr. Gheen goes to Washington to try to talk Burr out of Amnesty

Friends of ALIPAC:

The next CLOTURE vote attempt will be late in the day on TUESDAY!

You must work diligently to defeat it.

I am leaving for Washington, DC on an emergency mission, at 4am EST on Monday morning. Our phone contacts to over 1 million households in five states has helped, but we are very close on this bill. Every call, e-mail, fax, and effort counts!

Unfortunately, one of my home state Senators, Richard Burr, has been identified by National Review Magazine as one of the Senators the Amnesty pushers need to win.

Senator Burr has ordered his staff to tell you that he "Does not support the bill in its current form", however, he is deep in negotiations with the White House and big business lobby, and has told them he will support the bill if they add a 'touchback' provision. This touchback provision is a complete con job because the illegals only have to leave for a day anytime over the next 8 years and can quickly return to the US saying, "Look I came in legally, what's your problem?" This info was reported by Congress Daily.

Senator Burr is pushing for the Touchback BS! (Congress Daily) ... e&sid=2311

Senator Burr is on the verge of making a terrible mistake!

We want him to come out like Senator Dole (R-NC) and say, "This bill is Amnesty! I oppose it! Enforce our existing laws!"

During the Congressional recess, Senator Burr refused to meet with me, or my friend Ron Woodard who heads up NC Listen. However, he met with many trade organizations and lobbyist that support this bill.

Senator Burr's current position, that he is willing to support this bill with some changes, is way out of line with a mega majority of those he was elected to server.

And so, I am off to Washington!

I am requesting that Senator Burr meet with me for at least 15 minutes and if he will not agree to speak with me and allow me to present the national and North Carolina polls, which show mega majority opposition levels to this bill, I will stand or pace outside his office until I get an audience.

If necessary, I will be reporting live from the hallway outside of his offices back to the citizens of North Carolina via several talk radio shows, which will be broadcast across the state!

I am going to do my very best to get Senator Burr and several other Senators to say, Hell No to the Open Borders Lobbist that are pushing this terrible Amnesty bill.

I will be joining Chris Simcox and Carmen Mercer of MCDC who are already on the ground in DC and lobbying hard to defeat this bill.

I do not know if I will succeed, but I know you are pulling for me.

Please get on the ready line and keep those phones ringing off the hook in DC!

All of the phone numbers, tips, and assistance you need is in our Discussion Groups Area at ALIPAC, under Operation City Walls and Bring It Home.

It is time again for us to fight with all we have to save America!

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC

PS: I'm sending a thank you note to Dick Morris. He was kind enough to quote me on page 36 of his new book 'Outrage' which is #5 on the New York Times Best Seller List. I am very happy that this quote, since it is a statement I made about a year ago, that is making it to the public and is on bookshelves across America and the book is selling like hotcakes! We will be adding Mr. Morris's book to our online Bookstore in the ALIPAC Action Panel. Thank you Mr. Morris!

Copy of the quote and more info about the book at...

ALIPAC's William Gheen Quoted in Dick Morris's New Book! ... ic&t=69890