Dear Legislator:

I am writing you today to let you know that an in-state tuition for illegal aliens bill suffered a massive defeat in Arkansas this week when the state Senate, which is compromised mostly of Democrats, squashed the bill 21-13! The defeat was so stunning that the bill's sponsor, Joyce Elliot is trying to have the vote record expunged.

Forty American states have either refused to consider or soundly defeated this outrageous legislation since 2000. The legislation has been voted down again and again except in ten states where the legislation passed without adequate foreknowledge or input from the public. Nebraska stands alone as the only state to pass in-state tuition for illegal aliens since 2004, while the measure has been soundly defeated in over ten attempts in other states since 2004.

Similar legislation is before you as a legislator in California, New Jersey, Colorado, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin.

We ask that you immediately move to fervently oppose and defeat in-state tuition for illegals in your state. Radical groups like the National Council of La Raza and others want to use this legislation to promote the Dream Act Amnesty in Washington DC and to create momentum for a mass Comprehensive Amnesty for all illegal aliens in America. It is up to you to stop them by taking action in your state!

While the Dream Act Amnesty and Comprehensive Amnesty have both been defeated several times over the last few years in Washington, the supporters of these highly unpopular legislative attempts hope to overcome the will of the vast majority of American citizens in 2009.

In-state tuition for illegal aliens and the Dream Act Amnesty should be defeated for the following reasons.

1. Various certified polls indicate that somewhere between 62-81% of Americans oppose this kind of legislation. A recent Gannet poll in NJ found that 39% felt illegal aliens should not be allowed into American colleges at all. That is why states like NC, SC, OK, GA, and Arizona have moved to bar illegals from attending college at all, much less at taxpayer subsidized rates.

2. This legislation replaces innocent American students in the limited seats in our colleges at taxpayer expense!

3. College access and taxpayer benefits such as in-state tuition for illegal aliens and licenses attract illegal aliens into America and specific states. We must turn off all magnetism responsible for America's illegal immigration crisis. Providing taxpayer resources for illegal aliens is a form of Amnesty because it gives illegal aliens different forms of legal presence and legal recognition.

4. In-state tuition for illegal aliens violates a 1996 Federal Law "Federal Immigration Nationality Act of 1996" section 8 USC 1623 and it reads “…an alien who is not lawfully present in the United States shall not be eligible on the basis of residence within a State for any postsecondary education benefit unless a citizen or national of the United States is eligible for such a benefit. If a state wants to give in-state tuition to an illegal alien, said state would have to offer the same benefit to all out of state students. Furthermore, licenses, welfare, and college benefits violate Federal laws, which clearly state it is a felony to encourage or aid and abet any illegal alien to enter or remain in the US unlawfully.

State and Federal lawmakers who take stances or cast votes that are against the wishes of approximately 80% of America's legal citizens usually experience massive drops in approval ratings and many end their political careers with such mistakes. Just ask past Governor of New York state, Elliot Spitzer. His support for licenses for illegals, which a national poll indicated 77% of Americans oppose, dropped his numbers deep into the unelectable categories.

A recent Rasmussen poll (March 13, 2009) stated clearly that "Only less than a quarter of Americans believe that the federal government truly reflects the will of the people."

We are calling on all elected officials that feel We, The People of the United States, are to be self governed and the true directors of policy in our nation to oppose and defeat in-state tuition for illegal aliens bills and the Dream Act Amnesty.

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864
FEC ID: C00405878