Friends of ALIPAC,

We have good news to report. We have found a way to make our main website and operations run much faster, more powerfully, and more efficiently. During our efforts to build ALIPAC 2.0, we also found a way to save us around $5,000 per year on our web server!

We need to prepare you all for the transition which should begin within 72 hours God willing.

All homepage news updates at will cease today. For those of you who read them regularly, please be ready to begin again when we send word that this feature has been restored as part of ALIPAC 2.0

The first steps we take may cause our main website at to be unavailable for a few minutes or hours.

If you try to visit and find the site missing or different in appearance, do not panic or worry it will be part of the rebuilding process.

Feel free to explore any new content or layout you might find. There may be some surprises at

If you use our Discussion Groups at your same user name and passwords will work as soon as you see us reappear with our new look in a few days.

Those who use the Discussion Groups forum on our website need to know that articles and comments made will not follow us to the new website past a certain point.

Since we do not know exactly when that brief period will begin, please keep an eye on the Announcement section of the Discussion Groups and the Announcement block on our homepage for a notice that will go up that reads "TEMPORARY POST EMBARGO"

We do not expect this period when content posted to our website will not follow us to the new site to last more than a few hours to a day at most.

We will also lose the ability to reach you via e-mail for a certain period of time during this transition. It may be a few days to a week before our email broadcasts can resume. Please monitor our homepage at or

our Facebook Page at ... ... 5902781414

or our Twitter page at...

for possible updates during our blackout period.

After we transition to our new software and hardware platforms, we will then begin turning all the lights back on and restoring functions.

Nobody will be able to donate online or sign up for our email alerts during the first part of this transition and homepage updates will be down possibly for a week or two.

Our goal is to rebuild ALIPAC to be faster, more efficient, more appealing to Internet users, more powerful, and ready for national relaunch in the first week of January, 2012.

All prayers are appreciated as we conduct this open heart surgery on the world's largest archive of information in existence on the topic of the illegal immigrant invasion of America.

We appreciate your patience, understanding, and continued support as we tackle this big challenge ahead.

Hope we will be emailing you again soon on the other side of the crossing.


William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864
FEC ID: C00405878

PS: We are still accepting emails with your ideas on how ALIPAC can improve our service to you in the fight against illegal immigration and amnesty. Hearing from you helps us to do our job better. Please send all comments, feedback, suggestions, and corrections to