ALIPAC Goes After Bad Dream Act Amnesty Attempt!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

CONTACT: William Gheen, (919) 787-6009,

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), a national organization opposed to Amnesty for illegal aliens, placed their activists in every state into high gear today to oppose Senator Dick Durbin's 'Bad Dream Act' Amnesty that could be voted on today.

"They call it the Dream Act, because you would have to be asleep to pass this thing," says William Gheen of ALIPAC. "This measure has already been defeated four times. You would think these radical Senator's like Durbin would get the hint. A super majority of Americans, somewhere in the 60-80% range, oppose this bill!"

While ALIPAC activists call, e-mail, and fax their US Senators asking them to oppose Cloture for S. 2205 sponsored by pro Amnesty Senator Dick Durbin, they are also going after the US Senate Campaigns that are up for reelection in 2008.

"We know that a massive majority of voters oppose Amnesty bills like Durbin's S. 2205," says Gheen. "Those Senators facing reelection in 2008 will be more hesitant to vote Yes on Cloture for this bill if they want to keep their jobs. We are a PAC and that is why we are focusing on these sensitive candidates."

Several news reports from around that nation are illustrating that candidates who are pro immigration enforcement are winning races while those that favor measures like the Dream Act Amnesty are being ousted from office.

ALIPAC is credited with playing a core roll in the defeat of the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" Amnesty earlier this year and the subsequent defeats of Dream Act which has been defeated four times already.

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is a multi ethnic and multi party organization by design and practice with over 25,000 supporters nationwide. For more information, or to join the fight against amnesty and illegal immigration, please visit


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