Arkansas State Legislators,

It is my understanding that Joyce Elliott's unpopular "in-state tuition for illegal aliens" bill (SB 799) is before you again today, even though it was defeated last week by a vote of 21-13.

Please vote to vanquish this bill once and for all in 2009.

In an effort to provide you with the latest information on this kind of legislation, I hope you will review the following breaking news.

In state tuition for illegals was voted down in Colorado's state senate on Monday, April 6, 2009, by a vote of 18-16. The Colorado state senate is comprised of 21 Democrats and 14 Republicans!

The measure has also been defeated in New Jersey, where the assembly leadership is saying the bill will not be discussed or voted on in committee and is thus defeated for 2009. The NJ state senate is comprised of 17 Republicans and 23 Democrats.

Opposition to in-state tuition for illegals is bipartisan and reflective of the massive public opposition to the measure.

While a recent Gannett poll in New Jersey showed over 62% opposition to this legislation, we want to remind you that is much lower than the 81% opposition found in the JWP Civitas poll from North Carolina in 2005.

Here are the results of two recent online polls conducted by the Denver Post and FOX 31 KDVR.

The Denver Post online polling finds....

Do you think a bill that would grant in-state tuition to illegal immigrants is a good idea?

89.16 % say No

Source Link

KDVR's online polling finds.....

A bill that would grant in-state tuition to illegal immigrant high-schoolers going to college is making it's way through the Colorado statehouse. What's your opinion?

89.7% say 'Illegal' immigrant disqualifies them from all state services

Source Link ... 9617.story

Please take action today to represent approximately four out of five of your constituents and likely voters, by voting NO on Senator Joyce Elliot's SB 799! Please add Arkansas to the growing list of states rejecting these measures.

William Gheen
President, Americans For Legal Immigration PAC