Warning: High incidence of illegal aliens sexually assaulting children

Friends of ALIPAC,

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you today.

In the last few weeks we have issued two warnings to you. The first was about the increased incidents of violence and threats against leaders in our movement. The second was about the surge in crime reports involving violence against Americans by illegal aliens.

Today, we issue another warning. There is clearly a high level of incidence involving illegal aliens and child rape and molestation.

We have seen several studies that indicate this is a fact. We know that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has a special program called Operation Predator, which has already arrested 10,000 illegal alien child predators.

One of the reasons the number of attacks on our children are so high is because the age of legal consent in Mexico is only 12!

Not that it matters much, because it is a fact that most rapes, gang rapes, and child molestation cases in Mexico and countries south of the border go unreported. If they are reported, the laws are rarely enforced.

The crime syndicates and gangs who are importing most of our illegal aliens and addictive drugs are also known for kidnapping children to be sold into sexual slavery.

With so many illegal aliens coming from these 3rd world anarchy zones and into America, where the government shows them they can get away with crime after crime, does this surprise anyone?

After the brutal rape and murder of fifteen-year-old Dani Countryman on July 28th, we decided to dig into the ALIPAC archives to see what was going on in the news. We knew we had been seeing case after case involving illegal aliens and the rape of children.

We did not expect to find 27 cases chronicled in our archives over the last month!

There are actually more, but we excluded over 5 reports because the suspect's illegal alien status is yet to be confirmed!

We know that these 27 cases only represent a small fraction of the real level of crimes against children by illegal aliens because most states and cities in America ARE NOT CHECKING THEIR STATUS. If the cops check the status, you can count on many of the newspapers trying to conceal that the suspect is an illegal alien. We see this pattern all across America.

While researching these articles, ALIPAC made the determination of illegal status by talking to police. I've been told by several police officers that they are aware of an unusually high incident level of crimes like these.

We are not trying to be jingoistic and to paint all illegal aliens with the same brush, but the evidence is clear. There is a phenomenon in motion because illegal aliens are going after children in levels that far exceed American averages.

We are issuing this warning and this collection of news articles for three reasons:

1. We know many of you have children and grandchildren that you want to keep safe.

2. We want you to know about problems like these so they can be solved.

3. The Main Stream Media is not going to connect these dots for you.

The next e-mail you receive will ask you to volunteer in helping us to bring down the Sanctuary Cities across America and we need you to know how important your response will be.

Our hearts and prayers go out to the survivors, their families, and for the souls of those taken.

We hope that our combined efforts can turn this invasion around and to spare future victims of preventable illegal alien crimes.

If we fight hard enough for our nation, these records may one day serve in the prosecution of the politicians, CEO's, and government agents responsible for this carnage.

William Gheen
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)

http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=F ... ic&t=80049