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  1. #1
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Gheen, Minnesota, United States

    24 Hour Warning Till Amnesty Bill Filed: Act Now or Be Silenced

    The traitors in Washington plan to file their amnesty for illegal aliens bill in 48 hours (Tuesday, April 16, 2013)!

    The bill is expected to be more than 1,500 pages and will contain many provisions that will be rejected by the American public. Their plan is to conduct one hearing on Wednesday with only one witness--Obama's amnesty supporting head of DHS Janet Napolitano. At the time of the hearing, most lawmakers, media, and members of the public will not have read the bill.

    Then they plan to vote on it and most Democrats will vote yes on Cloture and the bill with just enough turncoat Republicans like McCain, Graham, Rubio, Flake, Paul, and possibly others to pass the bill before public scrutiny kicks in.

    If you are going to take action with ALIPAC to try to delay or stop this bill, you must act now because if Obama signs this bill you will be permanently silenced by the millions of illegal aliens granted amnesty and the millions more who will quickly pour into defeated and occupied America. The resulting damages and threats you will incur from passage of this bill combined with the new political force of illegals will silence you forevermore in American politics.

    Sen. Sessions: Immigration Amnesty Reform Bill 'Will Not Withstand Public Scrutiny'

    Today, ALIPAC's renowned online activists must fight a delaying action with all our might!

    We must fight for more time for the contents of the bill to be read by our special bill reading team we are assembling. We also need time to get the contents out to the public before the voting!

    We need YOU to take the following steps.

    Step 1: Please call as many members of the US Senate as possible today to demand...

    "I am calling Senator ________ to demand that the American public and media be given enough time to read, understand, and debate this 'immigration reform' bill being filed this week! How dare any of you file a large bill and hold hearings on it or vote on it before you have even read it or debated it. I know our government in America has become a farce, but do you have to be so obvious about it? There should be no hearing and no voting on any immigration legislation without weeks of study and debate!"

    Here is your list of Senators to call. Start with those in your own state and then move on to the states closest to you.

    Senate Office Contact info list

    Step 2: Once you have called a Senator's DC office, call some of their district offices too and then send in a distinctive version of your message in writing via fax or email. Letters WILL NOT ARRIVE IN TIME. Flood their state offices with calls and emails too!

    Step 3: Once you have made your calls, send this request on to other activists and try to get more of your e-mail and social media contacts to join our efforts by A) Signing our online petition at and B) Using the "share" features on the right of the homepage to tell at least 5+ other Americans to join us.

    Step 4: If you can spare a donation to help ALIPAC fund extra outreach and communications operations this week needed to have a maximum impact trying to slow and defeat the nation destroying amnesty immigration reform legislation, please chip in what you can right away via

    Let's get all of you on the phones now to make a major impact over the next 24 hours!

    Get your contacts into the battle at our sides!

    Be on the alert for more emails coming in to you while you engage the Senate and petition site!

    Let's roll, Americans! We must rush the cockpit of our government once again!

    William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team

    PS: Our online activists are ready to assist you 24/7 with any questions, comments, or feedback at this link....
    Last edited by ALIPAC; 04-15-2013 at 10:29 AM.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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