I don't know if anyone is aware of what they can really do to Stop Illegal Immigration. I do know this, the United States Constitution provides its citizens with the Right to legally prosecute and deport Illegal Aliens from individual townships, cities and states.

When the government does not do as the citizens wish and become tyrants or there are tyrannical organiztions hell bent on destroying the law of the land, the citizens can take it upon themselves to do it without their consent. Enough is Enough!

[b]According to v-dare.org, the Sierra Club environmentalists have been the culprits behind helping them come here and circumvent the laws. Their reasons are simple: Show greedy Americans what it is like to live in cities, counties and states that are over populated and what the ramifications are of not having birth control: How over population places stress on the environment. Does this make any sense to you? They are domestic enemies!

The ACLU is not a true civil rights group and can be shut down or slowed up by simply overloading them and send them emails, faxes, letters of protest and phone calls! Send both organizations Christmas cards, Channuka cards and Happy New Year Cards. That should do it. Two to 3 tons of mail will stop them and their politically correct agenda.