Well as we all know the emergency rooms are being overused by illegals.

We have been in this place and had our phone number for almost four years now. We have on and off been getting phone calls of the previous phone numbers "owners".

These calls are almost all for collections of one sort or another, on top of it, mostly for medical care. Today was another one I had to take the time to call the automated thing back, get a human and explain.

In the beginning when we first moved here, and got the number, we had to fax copies of our ID's to Verizon because the last tenants of our place (Hispanic) were wanted by this company for fraud at that address.

Now mind you, both totally seperate people, but two situations where it involved wrong doing and it affects us, and was perpetrated by illegals in this country illegally.

This last call today, was for an emergency room bill. Fiugres!!