3 Hours Ago by William Lafferty

Compare 1775 under King George to 2013 under Barack Hussein Obama

There is some similarity between the position of patriots in the United States in 2013 and patriots in 1775. In 1775 John Adams had alienated his colleagues in the Continental Congress by asserting that reconciliation with Great Britain was an illusion:

“For the moderates, who in 1774 and 1775 were a substantial majority in the congress, independence meant war with the greatest military power on the planet, which was unthinkable. On the contrary, Adams replied, whatever the consequences might be, independence was inevitable. ‘We shall be convinced eventually that the cancer is too deeply rooted . . . and too far spread to be cured by anything short of cutting it out entirely’.”

Joseph Ellis, Revolutionary Summer, The Birth of American Independence (Knopf, 2013), p.14. But Adam’s sentiments were not widely accepted and were actively opposed by John Dickenson, who sought a “peace commission” to work things out with Britain. Fortunately for us, King George advanced the cause of liberty by declaring that after Bunker Hill, where the British lost some 1,000 troops, the colonists were in a state of rebellion. He froze all American assets in Great Britain, closed British ports to American ships, and ordered a force of 20,000 – 30,000 troops to America, including foreign mercenaries, to quell the rebellion.

In effect, King George removed the question of independence from the diplomatic sphere and placed it in the military sphere, saving the Dickensonian colonists from themselves by making war a foregone conclusion.

After the King declared war on the colonies, Adams authored a formal resolution by the congress to propose new state constitutions to replace the old ones approved by the King. He began the resolution by listing grievances against the king. Following that model, I suggest the following:

  • Obama has destroyed the health insurance system that served 85% of the nation well in favor of the 15% who are uninsured (but covered anyway) in order to implement a socialistic, government controlled health care system. He has replaced the present system with an unworkable and expensive plan that rations health care, relegates seniors to oblivion by removing $716 Billion from Medicare, drives employers away from providing insurance for their employees, gives free insurance to illegal aliens, increases the federal bureaucracy by more than 100 new committees and agencies and federal employees by more than 16,000, and threatens to drive physicians out of the practice of medicine.
  • Although Obama has admitted his Muslim heritage and sympathy to various heads of state in the Middle East, he is now demonstrating it openly by favoring the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and cutting off military aid for the government that opposes them.
  • By printing billions of dollars in currency in order to “stimulate” the economy, Obama has increased the federal deficit to nearly 83 trillion dollars (entitlement program obligations included) and set the course for national insolvency.
  • Obama has infiltrated some of the most sensitive positions in government by admitted Muslim Brotherhood members.
  • Obama has failed to explain his role in the killing of four Americans in Benghazi, in the Fast and Furious gun running scheme that killed a federal border patrol agent and leaves 2,000 guns unaccounted for, in the IRS scandal, the AP scandal, in which his friend and advisor, the “civil rights” advocate Eric Holder lied to a federal judge and intercepted communications of reporters, and the NSA scandal, where Obama’s spy agency has spied on 300 million people.
  • Obama has betrayed his blatant racism and hatred of whites by his remarks in the Trayvon Martin case and in the Gates incident, where his black friend was arrested, which have the effect of exacerbating racial hatred.
  • Obama and his friend Holder have worked tirelessly to confiscate guns from private ownership.
  • Obama’s Homeland Security Department has been organized to serve as a private army to protect the government against its citizens. He has supplied it with armored personnel carriers and allowed the purchase of 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.

The list could go on. But if you don’t see a serious problem in malfeasance with what has been mentioned above, extending the list would not help.

So Obama has done us the favor of acting the King George, but we, as a people, are too dense to see it. At some point, perhaps when the economy collapses, health care becomes dysfunctional, a race war erupts, or federal goons become openly intrusive instead of merely menacing, we will decide something is wrong.

But when that time comes, we will need to go beyond Republicans and Democrats, for they are indistinguishable and merely part of the Obama machine, and move to a new political group based on the idea of public service and the public good. Doing it the other way hasn’t worked.
