For those who missed Lou Dobbs today, this is an excerpt of the transcript. Hold onto your's ugly.

Full Transcript is in the link.

DOBBS: The Senate today proposing changes to that grand compromise as new details emerge from the almost 400 pages of draft legislation. One thing is abundantly clear -- for American taxpayers this is a costly proposition.

Bill Tucker has a number of the details.


BILL TUCKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): When senators talk about their immigration bill, they like to emphasize border security. They don't mention a proposal that would force taxpayers for the first time ever to pay for the lawyers for illegal aliens and take legal services away from America's poor.

KEN BOEHM, NATIONAL LEGAL & POLICY CENTER: You're short-changing them to help somebody who broke the law. You are rewarding somebody who did something wrong and punishing these people who now might not be able to get a lawyer.

TUCKER: The bill would give illegal aliens priority over Americans in poverty. Other unmentionables include the Z visa. It's called a temporary visa, but it can be renewed indefinitely for the life of the visa holder. No other visa is so generous.

All background checks on those applying for amnesty must be completed within 24 hours, although there is no justification why and plenty of reason to suggest that complete background checks can't be done so quickly.

Gang members would be given amnesty if they renounce their gang membership. If an illegal alien is arrested in an enforcement raid and might be eligible for amnesty, the government must provide help in applying for the Z visa and release the illegal alien.

KRIS KOBACH, IMMIGRATION REFORM LAW INST.: This is just shocking on its face. And I think that's part of the reason why the authors of this bill have not made it public. Most of the Senate has not seen this bill yet.

TUCKER: Another unnoticed provision? The bill would change the law and reduce the southern border fencing project from 854 miles, to 370 miles, to only 200 miles. ... dt.01.html