If this gets deleted I won't be offended, but it's worth it.

Loser copycat reconquista brown-supremacists are launching a boycott from their 12 family illegal drophouse hideout against the following companies that are sponsors of Lou Dobbs:

BMW 3 series (OMFG - are you laughing as hard as I am?)
Administaff - ??? (You have to speak english to get a job stupid!)
Wal Mart - Awesome, I am boycotting them too.
RenewIN - wtf? No idea what this is
ActivON - whatever
HeadON - whatever
WYNDHAM - pfft. Have you even stayed anywhere other than Motel 6?
Time Warner Cable - How will you be able to watch Lou Dobbs then?
1800Beaches - bwaahaha - yeah right!! They don't accept pesos!
1800Sandals - same as above!!! ha ha!
Volvo - please see BMW comment
Cort - ummmm, who? It's furniture right? Stick to goodwill like you have your whole life.
FedEx - are you really going to use them when you have no JOB????:
NorFolk Southern - no idea what this is??? I'm sure you don't!!!

Ok, just had to get that out of my system!!! HA HA!! Buch of broke losers swearing to not buy BMW's!!!!! LOL!!!!!! again, LOL!!!!!