Published on Jul 11, 2013
In 1785, James Madison, considered to be the Father of the U.S. Constitution, wrote in 1785 that Americans should be prepared to take alarm at the "first experiment on [our] liberties" and described this "prudent jealousy" for our rights as the first duty of citizenship.

In 1793, Thomas Jefferson offered this timeless admonition: "In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."

Madison, Jefferson, and the other Founders had a deep and abiding distrust of government power. Indeed, they considered distrust of government to be one of the highest forms of patriotism. Would they even recognize what the United States has become?

In 2013, the National Security Administration (NSA) monitors literally every phone call and electronic communication conducted in the United States every day. The president claims, and exercises, the supposed authority to order the summary execution of any individual -- including a U.S. citizen -- he considers an enemy of the state.

The federal government has seized operational control of local police agencies, turning them into local affiliates of a centralized, militarized internal security force. Through the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011, or NDAA, the president now has the supposed authority to order the indefinite detention on in military custody of U.S. citizens accused of supporting terrorism.

And the National Counter-terrorism Center is devising a system called a "Disposition Matrix" through which people identified as "threats" would be categorized for disposal in any of several ways -- some through summary execution, others by indefinite detention either at home or abroad.

This clearly isn't the country the U.S.A. was meant to be. Is there any way we can restore the country as it is supposed to be? We'll ask constitutional attorney and author John Whitehead, founder and president of the Rutherford Institute, one of the country's most effective civil liberties organizations. Mr. Whitehead is author of the new book "A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State."

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