On Wikipedia, this shows, down the page a bit:


"Access to United States citizenship was restricted by race, beginning with the Naturalization Act of 1790 which refused naturalization to "non-whites." Many in the modern United States forget the institutionalized prejudice against white followers of Roman Catholicism who immigrated from countries such as Ireland, Germany, Italy and France.[122] Other efforts include the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act and the 1924 National Origins Act.[123][124] The Immigration Act of 1924 was aimed at further restricting the Southern and Eastern Europeans who had begun to enter the country in large numbers beginning in the 1890s. (While officially prohibited, U.S. officials continue to differentially apply laws on illegal immigration depending on national origin essentially declining to enforce immigration laws against citizens of rich countries who overstay their visas and personal economy (differentially awarding visas to foreign nationals based on bank accounts, properties and so on).)

Is this accurate given that millions of illegals did not come here from a rich country or are rich themselves? There are so many at ALIPAC who have researched immigration for so long, I wonder if any expert here would want to add documented research to improve this article?