I know a lot of us think we have the Amnesty thing licked for 2010 as we did a few years ago! But you all really need to wake up please. This administration is not worried about getting re-elected! They want to shove anything and everything at us in the shortest amount of time while they have the numbers to pass the most outrageous bills passed. Remember it is easy to pass any bill, and it is almost impossible to rescind a bill once it is put into law.

Think of how the Japanese pilots flew into our ships even knowing the outcome! Remember they knew that death & honor were the goals of the mission. Well same situation here, the left wing extremists don’t give a crap about the next election, or what Americans want! They are only here to accomplish one thing, get as much of the leftist agenda passed as they can in the shortest time frame before they are kicked out!

So, if you think we are doing well, open your eyes, your country is being pulled right from under your feet!

Get active, talk to your friends, family and co-workers! Tell them to get involved and tell them why it is so important.