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  1. #1
    Senior Member johnwk's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    Big media embraces McCain who repeatedly spat onConstitution

    It’s amazing! Almost every time I turn the tv on, there is McCain, trying to convince someone how conservative he is. Seems to me our beloved media is having a love affair with Senator John McCain, and is doing its part to get this disloyal turncoat reelected in spite of his newly found right wing radical positions. Perhaps the media’s love affair with McCain is because they know if McCain is reelected, they can count on him to immediately forget his campaign BS and return to his old reach-across-the-isle ways and help our un-American Progressive gang on Capitol Hill achieve their goals.

    And what is McCain’s established record?

    McCain reached across the aisle in an attempt to give aid and comfort in the form of amnesty to those who have invaded our borders.

    He reached across the aisle to successfully expand the iron fist of the federal government’s unconstitutional federal department of education which progressives use to indoctrinate our nation’s younger generation’s minds and train them to be good little progressives, and educate them to how sweet it is for Billy to have two daddies, rather than teaching them the three Rs.

    McCain also tried to reach across the aisle to assist progressives with the despotic McCain-Feingold Campaign Reform Act ___ more appropriately dubbed the incumbent full employment act ___ designed to infringe upon freedom of political speech and preclude the American people‘s right, and especially preclude right to life groups, from airing political ads which mentioned the name of a member of Congress and their voting record 60 days before an election. What part of shall make no law which is found in our Constitution did McCain not understand?

    McCain has also tried to reach across the aisle to assist progressive gun grabbers in their attack upon the right to keep and bear arms by attempting to ignore the Tenth Amendment with regard to the people’s right to keep and bear arms. One example being his support for federal legislation making it a crime for a gun owner in any state it the union to travel through a school zone with a firearm. Another example being McCain sponsoring an amendment to S. 1805 that would effectively outlaw the private sale of firearms at gun shows. And McCain tells us he is a supporter of federalism. Stop lying McCain. You make loyal Americans, who support federalism, throw up.

    And what about McCain’s reaching across the aisle to assist progressives plundering our federal treasury with his support of the Stem Cell Research Act of 2007 and its federally-funded research? Were our founding fathers not clear in the specific manner in which Congress may promote the progress of Science? Did they not write in crystal clear language that Congress shall have power:

    To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries

    What part of by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries did you, mister McCain, not understand?

    In addition to the above listed times McCain used his vote to subvert our Constitution, let us not forget he is also in favor of cap and tax and even once stated “I don‘t know how any conservative cannot support cap and trade“, and, McCain also opposes drilling in ANWR.

    And, it doesn’t stop here. McCain is also just fine with closing Gitmo, against using water-boarding in the interests of our national security, and, he voted for an $850 BILLION bailout for banks and car manufactures, which was filled with pork and special interest earmarks. I thought McCain was against pork and earmarking?

    McCain also championed a further plundering our national treasury for $300 BILLION to buy failed mortgages rather than have the free market place work its magic.

    McCain has also been an outspoken supporter of Clinton’s despotic and traitorous NAFTA deal, which is one of the progressive movement’s crown jewels, intentionally designed to undermine America’s dominating manufacturing base, undermine Congress’ constitutional duty to regulate our trade with foreign nations with America’s best interests in mind, and, the NAFTA is cleverly designed to make America interdependent upon foreign nations after our domestic manufactures have been closed down! And, it should also be noted the NAFTA unconstitutionally places the regulation of America’s trade in the hands of bi-national panels, the majority membership being FOREIGNERS who are our competitors, and can make binding decisions which are imposed upon our domestic manufacturers! If this in itself is not a signal of McCain’s disloyalty to America, I don’t know what is. And if this is not bad enough, McCain further poked his finger in the eye of domestic manufactures when he stated "I reject the false virtues of economic isolationism," while addressing the National Council of La Raza, "Any confident, competent country and its government should embrace competition," he said. "It makes us stronger." Funny how America’s domestic manufactures have had to first have their legs cut off in order to compete under McCain’s version of competition.

    I guess with a voting record like McCain’s there is no wonder why our big media is treating him so kindly and continually having him on a guest to convince “conservativesâ€

  2. #2
    Senior Member johnwk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Here is McCain’s new TV Ad titled [url=][b][u][color=blue]“Complete The Danged Fenceâ€

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