
I am wondering if you can assist me or offer me advice in anyway?

I am a US citizen, my soon to be Ex-husband is a Canadian Citizen. He voluntarily left the United States to avoid impending deportation in August 2005 after receiving an extreme DUI conviction. He returned to our home in AZ in October 2005, and broke down our bedroom door, which was reported to the Sheriff's office.(charges are pending) During the process of obtaining an Order of Protection against him, I was informed that he had obtained one against me. Which excludes me and my minor daughter from our newly constructed home, or even to retrieve necessary personal belongings.

I have contacted ICE, and they told me they don't have the manpower to look into this. I let them know that he is working (unauthorized) right around the corner from the Florence Immigration Detention Center. He continues to drink and drive on a suspended drivers license. I'm not sure how he was able to cross over the border. I have never filed any INS paperwork on his behalf.

I am so confused and distraught over this. How is it possible that a Illegal Non-Citizen can get an Order of Protection against a US Citizen and take ALL of their belongings?

I have retained an Attorney, and it will go through the Superior Court eventually. But in the meantime, my 11 yr old daughter and I are homeless.

Any advice will be appreciated, please don't blast me, I did marry him, I loved him and wanted him to be LEGAL, but he chooses NOT to be. While he was deported, I found out he has not filed taxes since 1982 with the US or Canada.