Hit the VOTE button at the top and begin down the list.

There are good questions on illegal immigration and the economy and the roll of government.

It takes some time as there are many questions that are repeated in various ways on the same subject, but there are over 85,000 Patriots here and we could have a huge impact on the questions asked if we participate in the voting process.

Found a good "how to" on another blog site - here it is:

First - go to Youtube-Fox =

Second - select "Vote"

Third - be sure "List" is selected then enter text in box and select

Next and last -
"click on" thumb up for as many as you wish - you are allowed to vote each question one time

it, you're finished .......

Please note that there are many more questions now and there are some good ones on illegal immigration and the rule of law. Also on the AZ and new Alabama laws and states rights. Also there is a good question from an American trucker on letting Mexico trucks over the border. Check out the ones connecting illegal immigration to jobs and also the 4.3 million or billion given to illegal aliens in tax refunds, who don't pay taxes.

You can add questions and one good one would be on the 26 billiion in remittances to Mexico (their 2nd source of income) and how that encourages Mexico's Political leaders / gov't - to push it's poor over the border for jobs - because they NEED those remittances.