Let's face it, We're living in the twilight zone.

I have several ideas I'm kicking around as subjects for posts but the
ridiculousness coming from the white house makes this a can't be ignored...

It's gonna be a long one too.

There's an article on ABC news today that says the white house is condemning
Al Queda not for being resposible for terrorism all over the world but for...get this..
RAAAACISM!! (apologies to Michelle Malkin)

It would seem that al Queda recruits blacks from Uganda solely for the purpose of
making suicide bombers out of them. That's right, there's no real chance for promotion
if you're a black African al Queda member...bummer...



President Obama, White House: Al Qaeda Is Racist

In an interview earlier today with the South African Broadcasting Corporation to air in a few hours, President Obama disparaged al Qaeda and affiliated groups' willingness to kill Africans in a manner that White House aides say was an argument that the terrorist groups are racist.
Speaking about the Uganda bombings, the president said, "What you've seen in some of the statements that have been made by these terrorist organizations is that they do not regard African life as valuable in and of itself. They see it as a potential place where you can carry out ideological battles that kill innocents without regard to long-term consequences for their short-term tactical gains."

Earlier today a senior administration official said the Obama administration believes that Al Shabaab carried out the attack.

Explaining the president's comment, an administration official said Mr. Obama "references the fact that both U.S. intelligence and past al Qaeda actions make clear that al Qaeda -- and the groups like al Shabaab that they inspire -- do not value African life. The actions of al Qaeda and the groups that it has inspired show a willingness to sacrifice innocent African life to reach their targets."

This can be seen, the official said, in the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, when hundreds of Africans were killed and thousands wounded.

"Additionally, U.S. intelligence has indicated that al Qaeda leadership specifically targets and recruits black Africans to become suicide bombers because they believe that poor economic and social conditions make them more susceptible to recruitment than Arabs," the official said. "Al Qaeda recruits have said that al Qaeda is racist against black members from West Africa because they are only used in lower level operations."
"In short," the official said, "al Qaeda is a racist organization that treats black Africans like cannon fodder and does not value human life."

The president also said in the interview that "it was so tragic and ironic to see an explosion like this take place when people in Africa were celebrating and watching the World Cup take place in South Africa. On the one hand, you have a vision of an Africa on the move, an Africa that is unified, an Africa that is modernizing and creating opportunities; and on the other hand, you've got a vision of al Qaeda and Al Shabaab that is about destruction and death.

"And I think it presents a pretty clear contrast in terms of the future that most Africans want for themselves and their children," Mr. Obama said. "And we need to make sure that we are doing everything we can to support those who want to build, as opposed to want to destroy."

-- Jake Tapper

Well...It's good to see somebody else besides the Tea Party is racist because clearly the Black Panthers
and the NAACP aren't. How thoughless of al Queda not to consider affirmative action.

So now I've been thinking what the promotional ladder inside al Queda must look like. It must look a little
like this:

First you start off as a Suicide Bomber. It's not the greatest job in the world but hey, it beats scooping
camel poop in the parking lot of your local mosque for a living. The hours are pretty short and so are the
training classes (I'm only gonna show you this once). The pay isn't too cool (the check is in the mail, wink-
wink) but if you do your job right the benefits are awsum, you get to spend eternity with 52 virgins ordering
you around all day.

If you survive as a suicide bomber long enough you get promoted to Roadside Bomb or IED Planter.
Ok, still not the greatest job but at least the survival factor is slightly better than the previous one. The
hours are a little tougher and you have to do a lot of digging in the heat. But at least you get to work
outside and watch things go boom (hopefully not yourself).

Next would be Fanatical Guerrilla, One of those dudes that run around in their pajamas and take pot
shots at our allied soldiers. Still not the greatest job but you get to play with guns and take classes on
how to blend in with the general population and use women and children as human shields.

Do a good good job you can look forward to being an Sharia Shariff and tour the countryside,
vistiting tiny villages out in the sticks and you get to beat women with a club for showing their
ankles in public or you can hang a 16 year old girl for the immoral crime of sitting in the front
seat of a car with her male cousin on a busy street in broad daylight. Of course the local
population will fear you and as everyone knows fear is the highest form of respect. The
hours are pretty brutal though. You'll have a full dance ticket, beating people and attending
stonings while watching the general public for immoral behavior and expect to work a lot of
late nights cuz under Allah sin occurs 24/7.

After several years and a few connections you can look forward to a cushy al Queda Leader
position. Now we're talking! This is like the CEO of terrorism, you get to pick out your very own
hiding cave with hot and cold running bats in which to give out orders to the rest of the al Queda
world. If you're lucky you might get invited over to Osama Bin Laden's cave for a sumptuous dinner
of sour goat's milk and fried scorpions or even appear on al Jazeera TV (Hi Mom!). You get the
privledge of sleepin in on a dirt floor but you always have to be on alert for those pesky preditor
drones and bunker buster bombs so it's probably a pretty good idea to move evey so often.

Of course there's a world of opportunities in the al Queda organization. for example, you could
always learn Spanish and cross the border as an illegal alien and get free US health care, food
and housing, get a US driver's license and even go to college. But there's always the chance
that you may get called up to take a plane ride with a bomb in your underwear or shoes but if
you hang on long enough you just might get granted amnesty.

There's just soo much opportunity that the poor Ugandans are not getting to take advantage of.
But maybe now the Obama admistration will finally use our troops to go after the rats. After all
they don't have the num-nums to call them terrorists but they don't have a problem using the R
word on them but then according to the white house a lot of people are racist these days.

Al Queda cracker anyone?
