Call Your Senators NOW!
FAIR has learned that instead of debating amendments on the floor, Senators this afternoon are hiding behind closed doors, drafting a massive, 400-page amendment that will replace huge chunks of the Bush-Kennedy bill currently being debated. Senate leaders are hoping to use the new substitute amendment to reverse changes made over the last 24-hours they don't like, such as the Cornyn amendment on information sharing and the Dorgan amendment that sunsets the Y guest worker program. Leaders hope once this substitute amendment is adopted, they can get enough votes to end debate (i.e. to pass a cloture motion) and ram it through the U.S. Senate.

FAIR is urging all members and activists to call their Senators' offices THIS VERY MOMENT and ask Senators to refuse to take up any more secret bargains. Ask that Senators be given more time to debate meaningful amendments that would improve the bill, and if no extra time is given, to vote NO on cloture!

To find the phone numbers of your Senators, click here. If you can't get through to the Washington D.C. office of your Senators, be sure to try the district office numbers.

Rec'd via Email this evening.