John W Lillpop

With the exception of George Bush and 12-30 million illegal aliens scattered throughout America, hardly anyone is shedding a tear over the resignation of Alberto Gonzales. Rather, most people are saying good riddance, adios and please do not bother writing.

Of the many blunders committed by President Bush over the past six plus years, none is more devastating than his wrongheaded appointment of Alberto Gonzales to serve as U.S. Attorney General.

After 9/11, one would have expected America's war on terror president to install an Attorney General who, at a minimum, respects American sovereignty, rule of law, and immigration statutes.

Bush's choice should have been a professional who would work 24/7 to enforce U.S. laws, including rounding up and deporting those here illegally.
Is that not what the Department of Justice is supposed to be all about? Enforcing the law?

Apparently not, at least not in the mind of Duyba. Instead of doing the intelligent thing, President Bush decided to hire Alberto Gonzales for the job. It may be that "Diversity is our greatest strength," but with this one, W went just too far.

After all, Alberto Gonzales is rumored to be the child of illegal aliens from Mexico. If that is true, he is the most accomplished anchor baby in U.S. history.

From Gonzales' perspective, then, Mexican illegal aliens are more like "family" than invaders. The more the merrier, right, Alberto?

All of which explains why the Department of Justice under Gonzales has taken virtually no action to enforce our immigration laws.

Honestly, now, who would push for deportation of one's own aunts, uncles, and cousins? And in-laws, who are also outlaws?

Rather than rounding up, prosecuting, and deporting illegal aliens, Gonzales has been laboring 24/7 to chase down, prosecute, and jail innocent border patrol agents caught in the unseemly act of doing that for which they are paid--defending America against invasion from third world Mexico.

As a result of Gonzales' efforts, former agents Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio Ramos are sitting in prison sentenced for 12 and 11 years respectively.

Meanwhile, the drug-smuggling illegal alien that Compean and Ramos sought to apprehend is suing the U.S. government for five million dollars--after a second drug bust on U.S. soil!

It's way past time to say adios to Alberto Gonzales, America's Numero Uno Anchor Baby!