Civic Vandal Cries Foul
By Greg L | 10 March 2012

Oh, poor Gaudencio Fernandez, the Mexica Movement poster child for what the 1986 amnesty for illegal aliens has wrought upon the City of Manassas. His cheap flagpoles sporting such standards such as a yellow six-pointed star with the word “Juden” emblazoned on it have started blowing down. Of course in his view it’s all the fault of racists in Manassas. Yeah, sure. With his track record on truthfulness, I’m sure we’re going to swallow that one.

The latest incarnation of the perpetual protest of Gaudencio Fernandez has been annoying, but serves a rather useful purpose. When the United States government offers blanket amnesty to illegal aliens, as we have done in ‘86 and seven times since then, such upstanding racist radicals as Fernandez are among those who benefit. When local governments fail to enforce the law, radical goofballs like Gaudencio Fernandez erect billboards in historic districts sporting bizarre claims and causing unrest within communities. From the federal to the local level, Gaudencio Fernandez demonstrates exactly what happens when lawlessness is permitted because government lacks either the courage or the principle to actually enforce the laws they enact.

There are things called “nuisance laws” in this country, that allow a locality to seize property that becomes a hazard, furthers crime, or constitutes blight. It’s about time the City of Manassas got serious about this longstanding problem and found a way to use these laws to finally resolve the problem Gaudencio continues to pose. I’m all for legitimate freedom of speech, but my freedom of speech does not allow me to consistently impose a physical danger on my community, willfully and persistently violate zoning ordinances, and impose blight on a historic district.

It’s time for this to end.
